Saturday, July 08, 2006

Do You Know How To Make Money Online

By Sylvia White

Do you know how to Make Money Online? Your options are unlimited there are thousands of Online Business Opportunities just waiting for you to sign up and get started BUT that is the problem!

Online marketing used to be quite a simple matter but with thousands of websites springing up daily it is now a challenge. The visitors to your website are now more choosy and don't sign on the dotted line unless you present them with something that they can't refuse.

Offering a free e-book used to be all the incentive you needed but now the internet is swamped with them and they are not as effective as they used to be.

It is the same with newsletters every one has the same idea but how many give you new and interesting information that is worth the reading.

Adsense has gone the same way, every website you look at is swamped with Google ads and even they are losing their appeal to the discerning public.

I want to make money online but how ?

You have to compete, face the challenge. If your website is down in the dumps don't sit there waiting for the visitors to return do a complete turn a round and change your website content. check all those websites that are on top of the searches and see what makes them tick.

If you have Adsense ads on it move them around or change the colour until people begin to notice them. If you have a business opportunities website change the opportunities until you find something that works.

Does your website look attractive ? No not pretty! try and look at it from a visitors point of view, if you landed on that website would it attract you and make you want to stay to check out the ads ?

Writing articles is the all time favourite for when you submit your article to the different forums it is hoped that hundreds of people will place your article on their website that way you get hundreds of links and hopefully more traffic.

Traffic is the answer to making money, the more traffic the more chance of visitors clicking on your ads and of course more chance of them buying what you are selling.

Take advantage of the seasonal trends if it is the middle of Summer no one is interested in what to give their kids for Christmas think outdoor living, holidays, seasonal clothes, sun preparations.

Of course it depends on what countries you are specifically aiming for as well, if your audience is worldwide then it doesn't matter what you sell as the UK may be in the middle of a heat wave but Australia is in the middle of their winter.

Something different is what everyone is looking for so if you can come up with an entirely new product or an unheard of business you could hit the jackpot.

Spend some quality time on your own, forget the PC grab a pen and paper and start jotting down anything that comes into your head, words short sentences. let yourself wander as you write, it is amazing what is in your mind and what comes to the surface.
Forget time it is not important this is your quality time.

When you have finished go through all that you have written and it is possible something will spring out and hit you and make you wonder why you never thought of it before.

Most people don't set out intentionally to think up ideas they are something that suddenly pops into their mind from nowhere, writing or jotting down words can quite often trigger something off in your mind.

The word MONEY is a figurehead to every one so write that one word at the top of the page and go on from there.

You may see a program that someone else has thought up, study it carefully and see if there is some way of improving on it, give it a different outlook and make sure that your improvements in the program are quite clear to others it must have your stamp on it.

It is quite true that Google Adwords can conjure up a large amount of money in a short span of time, also you can start earning within fifteen minutes of placing the ad.

You must have a product or a program to advertise and it is not just a case of putting it on and hoping for the best it needs a bit of preparation to make sure that the public can find your product or program by using keywords that are searched often.

Another quick fix for money are traffic surf programs but they are risky, you can make a lot of money on the other hand you can lose a lot if you pick a scam program. If these type of programs interest you then visit the surf traffic forums first to find out which programs are paying and if possible how long they have been running.

With most of these programs people place a certain amount of money possibly with a a good return in a matter of ten or fourteen days, when they make their large profit they will then cut and run without reinvesting so this weakens the programs position.

The ten or fourteen day programs will be lucky if they last out more than a month due to the none re-investors but saying all that a lot of people are still making a living with it.

There are a few long term programs that are worth considering I am in two of these myself and I am quite happy with them, of course the returns are not so high but they beat the banks and most investment companies.

If you like doing lotteries there are dozens of free lotteries on the Internet you never know you might get lucky !

There is also a bingo game that pays out $4.999 it lasts about four or five weeks before its won and then there is just the one winner but its a chance to make Money.

We all know that money is very hard to come by but if we don't try we will never have any so persevere and eventually you may get lucky.

Sylvia White is the webmaster of where you are welcome to email from the site to enquire about any of this information. You can also request a free copy in PDF of "SEO Made Easy" by Brad Callen SEO specialist. She is also the author of You are welcome to join the affiliate program or purchase the E-book and if you like blogs she is webmaster of

Article Source:

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Get Paid To Autosurf - An Easy Way To Make Money At Home

By Elaine Currie

Considering that the great Studio Traffic had been running for nearly two years when I made my debut, I was a latecomer to the get paid to auto surf scene. When I first started to take notice of the get paid to auto surf sites, I looked at the possibilities, did a double-take, looked again and wondered where the catch might be. Surely, I thought, there must be a catch, or can it really be that simple? I'll spare you the suspense and tell your right from the start that the answer was yes, it really is as simple as it appears. Before you go rushing off to spend money with auto surf for cash programmes, let me just stress that it is simple but that is not the same as saying that every get paid to auto surf site is safe. Crossing the road is pretty simple but, if you fail to look out for approaching traffic, it certainly isn't safe. Jumping out of a plane is simple but, if you don't get a parachute and a course of instructions, it's far from safe. So don't try auto surfing for cash at home until you have read the rest of this.

Of course, at the start, I didn't know the answer and I toddled off into the realms of get paid to auto surf, taking baby step investments and breathing sighs of relief every day when the get paid to auto surf sites appeared and I knew my tiny investments were still safe. Considering the idiotic abandon with which I embraced the dreadful money doubler phenomenon, it might seem strange that I was so wary when it came to the auto surf for cash experience. Maybe I learned my lesson from the amount of money I wasted on the money doublers. (By the way, if you happen to know my husband, there is absolutely no need for you to mention to him anything about me and money doubler programmes. Really, no need at all.)

Don't get the wrong impression through me mentioning money doublers and get paid to auto surf programmes in the same article. The auto surf for cash sites are in no way related to the money doublers or run by the same people. The one thing the two types of programme have in common is that they are very easy to do but, whereas money doublers were pure scams, get paid to auto surf sites are real online businesses where you can make money at home. The webmasters and webmistresses who own get paid to auto surf sites are, in the main, honest hard-working people, who want to have a thriving business which will bring them an ongoing income for the future. I'm not saying all auto surf for cash sites are run by saints, the owners are just ordinary people who want to make a living on the Internet, and the industry (like any other) has its share of rogues and thieves who will take your money and run, plus a few inept webmasters who just have no idea how to run a business and lose everyone's money.

So, you might ask, how do I take sensible precautions against getting stung? The answer, like most things, is simple! Investigation is the answer. If you like the look of a get paid to auto surf site, join as a free member and check out the forum (if there is one). Surf to test the quality of surfing and don't invest if the surfbar is unpredictable. Email the owner to ask about the site. If you get no reply, drop the site there and then: any website owner who takes a pride in his business will respond to a member's enquiry. If you get a terse reply, pointing out that the answer to your dumb question is in the site faq's, this is still good: an abrupt reply probably means the owner is busy or has got sick of answering the same stupid questions. The point is that he is human and bothered to respond. Don't even think of giving your money to someone who ignores you from day one.

Do an Internet search for forums concerned with making money online, make money at home, auto surfing, get paid to programmes etc. Read what the members are saying about the sites you are thinking of joining as this is usually a good indicator of whether the site is growing or declining. Don't, however, totally rely on the opinion of forum members because the posts often tend to be a bit hysterical and they are, of course, the voicing of personal opinions and not a handing down of the wisdom of gurus.

Check out get paid to auto surf review sites. I don't mean the one page free websites that have been built simply to advertise one person's choice of programmes and build a downline. Look for serious reviews which are regularly updated, these are more likely to be written by dedicated surfers. There are some very good ones around now: I came across one just this week, where you can sign up for a course of get paid to auto surf lessons and a weekly newsletter. This sort of service takes real energy and commitment. If you read a few of these get paid to auto surf review sites, you will get a feeling for which of them belong to dedicated surfers and which are the work of sloppy amateurs who half the time don't even notice when their recommended programmes have closed down.

Another thing you can do to make life as an auto surfer for cash safer is to tread the path which has already been smoothed out, tiptoe in the footsteps of the people who are already making money from auto surfing. If it is working for them, copy what they do and listen to their advice. The foremost piece of advice any decent auto surfer for cash will give you is "don't ever use cash you could not afford to lose", the second most valuable piece of advice is probably "spread your investments". If you are prepared to be patient, you can build up a decent income from small investments spread over several get paid to auto surf programmes. This way you can enjoy the get paid to auto surf experience and make some money without living in fear of your life savings being carried out to sea on the virtual surf.

Copyright 2005 Elaine Currie

Elaine Currie has a Work From Home Directory and Auto Surf Review at her Plug In Profit Site:
for people who want to make money at home.

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Don't Expect To Earn Fast Money Online

By Torgeir Sunnarvik

I've spent the last three years working towards actually earning
money online. In most of that time period though, the money has
been leaving my wallet faster than it has been coming into my


In my first year online, I tried all kinds of "earn-money-fast
opportunities" --- everything from MLM to turnkey websites. I
hate to admit this, but if I didn't make any money the first
couple of months after I had signed up for one of these programs,
I just gave up and moved on to the next opportunity.

Then I would begin the whole process all over again. I found a
new site that promised to all who joined, that they would earn a
lot of money fast, and they would earn their money without hard

I know the truth now, it was just another line of bulls**t!!!!

Twelve months later, all I had to show for my first year online,
was many wasted hours and lots of wasted money.


As I began my second year, I realized that I had to make my own
website. I didn't know anything about HTML. And, I knew nothing
about where to find a hosting company, or even why I needed one.
So the first six months of that second year, I was learning the
basics of how to become a webmaster. I read through all the
forums about web-mastering and SEO that I could find on the
Internet, and tried to build a website that finally could make me
some money.

I finally got my website up and running.

For the first 8 months that I had my website, I did not earn any
real money for all of my hard work. The worst thing that could
happen to a person began to happen to me... I began to lose hope.
I began to believe that making money from the Internet was just a
far-fetched dream that I could never attain on my own.

I was not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people have met or will
meet this same crossroad in their Internet careers. Some will
take the easy road and walk away from their dreams. Others will
push on, not willing to let their dreams die.

I decided to push on.

I added new pages of content to my website every week. I
exchanged links with other websites as often I could. Slowly and
steadily, the visitors were starting to come to my little corner
of the internet to browse and buy.

In the early stages, I had 30-50 visitors each day. Then, I began
to see 100-150 a day. And soon, the first small amount of money
was earned through my website.

Now it's 4 months after my first payday, and the traffic is still
getting higher each week. Even though I'm not earning a whole lot
of money now, I believe it's just a matter of time until I can
leave my day job.


Looking back on these last three years, I have learned a few
things that I would like to share with you today.

First of all, you should never join any of those scam sites that
claim you will make a lot of money fast without working hard.

The cold, hard truth is that there is no way that you can make
money online unless you are willing to work hard!

The next time you read about an opportunity where the promoter is
telling you that you will not have to work hard to be successful,
Stop! Stop and ask yourself "how hard this person is working" to
part you with your money?

What about that email opportunity you are reading, where this
anonymous person is telling you that you will not have to send
other people email in order to make money? If he is being honest
with you about the nature of his business, why did he have to
send you an email to get Your business? If his way is best, why
is it that he is not practicing what he preaches?

You have to approach new programs with your eyes wide open! Be
willing to read between the lines to see if the promoter is lying
to you to part you with your money. Be willing to research on the
internet what other people have said about the program that you
are looking at. Be willing to discover and separate the people
who are trying to sell the program, from the people who are
giving you an honest appraisal of the program, from the people
who are just complaining about everything to hear themselves

In the end, it comes down to this. If you get involved with one
of the myriad of scam opportunities floating around out there,
you will end up spending all of your money with zero rewards in
your pocket for your time or effort.


Find a niche product to sell or promote. And then make your own
website. If you don't know anything about how to become a
webmaster, use Google to find forums about the subject. Or, you
can buy a ebook about web-mastering.

Don't expect to earn much money the first year your website is
online. Look at it as your learning period. Be persistent and
don't take any shortcuts. It takes time to build a money making
business, whether you make your business online or offline.

And finally, try to have fun while you are working on your
website. It's much easier to become successful if you like the
work you are doing.

Good luck!

Torgeir Sunnarvik, Norway

Torgeir Sunnarvik is the owner and webmaster of: His site offers free ebooks, ebooks with
reprint rights, and marketing articles.

Article Source:

Monday, July 03, 2006

How To Generate Unique Business Ideas That Make Money?

By Abel Cheng

Every money making opportunity that you see boils down to one common thing: idea. As you know the best ideas pay. The most creative ideas pay.

The best thing about ideas is it's free and everybody has the capability to think of ideas.

In order to be creative and innovative about ideas, you have to have knowledge. Knowledge is important. You need to know thousands of things to be creative.

Below are steps that you can take to come up with profitable innovative ideas:

1) Read and study as many things as possible about your industry or product. You need to investigate specific information of what you are going to sell. For example, if you want to be involved in real estate, you study everything about the subject matter in details. If you want to start a business, you have to know what's going on in your industry, what sells and at what price, etc.

2) Improve general knowledge. Don't limit yourself to only learn about things in your own industry. Learn as many topics as possible from other industries. It can be any topic. This enables you to think out of your own industry.

3) Mix and match ideas from cross industry. Once you investigate and research enough, your mind is the
storehouse of all the ideas you have studied. And this is the main source to your creative ideas. All the knowledge you have learned so far is the raw materials to produce new ideas.

4) Thinking of raw idea. After you have done your study, think hard about the solutions you want to your problem. Then stop and relax. Get a cup of coffee or go for a movie. Do something relaxing and let your subconscious mind work for you. The idea or solution will come to you at a much unexpected moment. For me, ideas always come to me before I sleep. My mind will be bombarded with ideas that I can't stop.

5) Refine your raw idea until it's up to your satisfaction. You can always do your own research on the raw idea by asking questions to target market to test the feasibility of the idea and how to improve the idea further.

Basically new idea is a combination of old ideas. You need to have enough old ideas to come up with new ideas. That's why constant reading and observation are important.

Sometimes when someone has launched a new product, you would say, "Hey! I thought about that before. That's my idea." You might have had thought about the idea but you didn't capitalize on it. Someone has done it before you.

It's always good that you have an ideas book. Whenever you think of a good idea, write it down. You can always work on it or improve it later. Bring along the ideas book wherever you go. It doesn't need to be fancy. It can be a normal pocket-sized spiral notebook.

With the method outlined above, I hope that you will be the next person who makes fortunes with unprecedented ideas that people can never think of.

Abel Cheng is publisher of Abel Cheng's Business Diary, a
free publication that provides unorthodox home and small
business success tips, tools and resources. Get instant
access to his publication at

Article Source:

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Make Money on eBay the EASY way!

By C Van

Probably just like you, I had an overwhelming desire to spend more time with my family and friends, doing the things that are important to me and living a comfortable lifestyle without financial worries … and yes, less time working to pay for it!!!

So with my quest to find financial freedom, I “googled” my way through searches
looking for ideas on how I could fulfil this desire with minimum effort and
expense. After all, I wanted to make money not spend it! I had aspirations of
making wad loads of cash so my family & I could truly enjoy the pleasures of
life - together.

Now I’ve been involved with eBay for a number of years and enjoyed the success
and extra incidental profits from selling our own surplus & bought items but
never really considered that we could substantially make money on eBay alone. So
when I stumbled across some websites claiming to be able to do just that, I was

This could very well be the best home business money making opportunity to have
evolved in the past 50 years ... possibly ever! eBay is one of the fastest
growing companies in history. This in itself presents the opportunity for anyone
to step right into a massive marketplace of over 47 million enthusiastic buyers
and make money on eBay. With this kind of unlimited exposure for under a
dollar, I thought ANYONE can launch a profitable home based business starting
from scratch! So why not me?

Greatly excited by what I had discovered, I began to see my enjoyment for eBay
as no longer a hobby but an amazing opportunity to fulfil our dreams and
accomplish them with something I actually love to do … eBay!!!

Ok, so I settled by what means I wanted to achieve success but how would I go
from being an occasional seller to being a high profit powerseller making
serious money on eBay? I needed more information but I really did not want to
pay for it.

You see, I was a “freebie seeker”. I was prepared to scour the vastness of the
internet to find the “secrets of success” without monetary expense. Ironically
though, I ended up spending all that “precious time” I was trying to save,
searching and implementing instead. Hundreds of others had quit their jobs and
were making a killing with their own home based business and so I was driven to
find out how they did it – website after website after website, day after day
after day … before I knew it, I’d spent a couple of months day and night trying
desperately to piece it all together.

What was I thinking?! … Wasn’t the whole idea that I wanted to spend less time
working and more time with my loved ones enjoying life!!! .. SO what happened?

I lost the plot! Along the way I saw a number of quality informative websites
offering all the “secrets” for a reasonable cost that I could access instantly
but I fooled myself into thinking I could find out all this information easily
and without spending a dime. I continued to muffle my way through copious
amounts of information and found bits and pieces, tips and suggestions for
making money on eBay I thought I could use, but for the record, I made many
mistakes along the way which cost me even more precious time.

So what have I learned? Well, actually I’ve learnt a great deal about how to
make money on eBay but I’ve also gotten wiser! No longer am I prepared to
sacrifice my precious commodity of time for the sake of saving a small amount of
money (which incidentally, I would make back promptly by following the expert’s
examples). If I find a resource I truly believe will be of benefit, I will
happily purchase it to instantly get the information I need and make it work for
me pronto.

My recommendation to you is to forget the notion of relying solely on freebie
information and learn firsthand from the experts who have tweaked their
knowledge & wealth with years of experience and tried and tested practices who
are ready to reveal their eBay secrets to success.

With so many interested people, it's no wonder many eBayers make their living
from home by buying & selling items on eBay. An instant home business is right
at your fingertips because eBay is the easiest way to start making money
immediately from your own home! This is a real business opportunity but the
level of success you achieve will be determined by learning the secrets &
sources of those making a killing on eBay ... The eBay Experts!

Don’t make the same mistakes I made … There are many shady guides on making
money on eBay, most of them written by people who don’t make money on eBay
themselves. They're basically book reports (knock-offs or just plain
plagiarisms) of the few legitimate “goldmine” guides out there. Now much wiser
and finally privy to these expert’s secrets, we've put together a list of
resources at our website that we consider are the *best* and are bestsellers -
separating the wheat from the chaff.

You don't have to reinvent the wheel. The key is to copy what is already
working. Find out what IS working for these experts and copy what
they do. It's amazing that more people are not already doing this.

~ Are you ready? ... You really could be the next "eBay Success Story".

P.S. Want to harness the high volume traffic from eBay to increase your website
traffic? You can find the answer to this and many other secrets at our website … just another way you can make money on eBay Living Free Online

Do yourself a favour and learn how you can "Make Money on eBay" seriously with our eBay secrets, tips, tricks, tools & techniques from
the experts for getting maximum profits with minimum hassles. Everything you
could ever need to launch your own highly profitable Ebay business overnight.
It's all here … from one convenient source at

Article Source: