Make Money Online: Can The Average Jane or Joe Really Do It?
By Mike Considine
Let’s cut to the chase and answer the question “can the average Jane or Joe really make money online?” Before I can answer that we need to establish what we mean by money?
If you’re asking if the average person could find a way to make an extra $50.00 a month working online I would say yes that should not be too much of a challenge. If you’re asking if the average person could build an online money making business to the point where they could replace a good full time income I would have to say no!.. Let me explain why I say that and then latter I will talk about your options. At the very least if you read the rest of this article it could save you thousands of dollars by stopping you from making some mistakes.
If you do a Google search on making money online your going to see that today there are 277,000,000 website ready to give you the information you need to turn your dreams into reality. If you search for articles on just one of a hundreds article sites, “Ezine articles” about making money online you are going to find there are 27,000 articles written all with a solution on how best to build an online business. So getting back to the reason I answered the question “ could the average person build an online money making business to the point where they could replace a good full time income” no… You can see that the average person would have no way of sifting through all the rubbish included in the 277,000,000 websites or 27,000 articles to find the best ways to achieve their goal of making a full time income online.
Come on be honest, how many of those 277 million websites have you already looked at? Some of those sites are just plain garbage and most of them are affiliate links to the few hundred marketing gurus that have the market flooded with information, software and online money making idea that all promise the way to the golden nugget. Don’t get me wrong we use a lot of these strategies and software packages to build our online businesses, but we also spend thousands of dollars and thousands of man-hours to keep up with what works today and will continue to do so in the future. My question to you is would the average Jane or Joe be able or willing to spend that kind of money or time… No it takes an above average commitment to pull this off. That’s not to say the people that don’t make it are stupid or lazy, it just means that the cards are stacked too much against success so that the average person does not have a chance in this game.
So what does that mean, do you just shut off your computer and be content to the fact the odds are so stacked against you that it’s not worth trying? Only you can decide if you have the means to invest thousands of dollars a month and commit fifty or sixty hours a week or more to build your business. I know that’s not what those 277 million website say… they all make it sound so easy. What they don’t tell you is the product they are selling you today probably is not as effective as is it was when they discovered it and definitely won’t be tomorrow. The truth is some of the software still being sold as the answer to your dreams won’t work at all today. You think the gurus take down their websites and stop selling their software just because the Net has changed to the point where it is ineffective? No they stop selling it only after people stop buying, has little to do with the fact that it doesn't work as good as it did last year or even six month ago.
The funny thing is the better it did work the higher the odds that is doesn't work now. One good example of this is the many popular software programs that mass produced web pages based on Keywords. This software worked great when it was first introduced, but the Search engines had to find a way to stop their effectiveness because the top search results were being flooded with these spammer sites. That is one of the biggest challenges to running an online business... investing enough money to stay up to date with what is working today. Do you have what it takes to make money online?
My name is Mike Considine owner of Home Base Service Company.
I promised you I would give you some options… How would you like to stay in the game but not spend a bunch of money or take any time away from your family? What would you think about joining a Co-op that hires the staff and uses the Pros to build a portfolio of web business and shares the profits with you? What would you think about paying a small monthly fee for only 24 months and owning a share of the profits for the lifetime of the portfolio’s holdings? This new concept is called Affiliate Co-op Marketing and you can get more information from here:
Affiliate Co-op Marketing
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Let’s cut to the chase and answer the question “can the average Jane or Joe really make money online?” Before I can answer that we need to establish what we mean by money?
If you’re asking if the average person could find a way to make an extra $50.00 a month working online I would say yes that should not be too much of a challenge. If you’re asking if the average person could build an online money making business to the point where they could replace a good full time income I would have to say no!.. Let me explain why I say that and then latter I will talk about your options. At the very least if you read the rest of this article it could save you thousands of dollars by stopping you from making some mistakes.
If you do a Google search on making money online your going to see that today there are 277,000,000 website ready to give you the information you need to turn your dreams into reality. If you search for articles on just one of a hundreds article sites, “Ezine articles” about making money online you are going to find there are 27,000 articles written all with a solution on how best to build an online business. So getting back to the reason I answered the question “ could the average person build an online money making business to the point where they could replace a good full time income” no… You can see that the average person would have no way of sifting through all the rubbish included in the 277,000,000 websites or 27,000 articles to find the best ways to achieve their goal of making a full time income online.
Come on be honest, how many of those 277 million websites have you already looked at? Some of those sites are just plain garbage and most of them are affiliate links to the few hundred marketing gurus that have the market flooded with information, software and online money making idea that all promise the way to the golden nugget. Don’t get me wrong we use a lot of these strategies and software packages to build our online businesses, but we also spend thousands of dollars and thousands of man-hours to keep up with what works today and will continue to do so in the future. My question to you is would the average Jane or Joe be able or willing to spend that kind of money or time… No it takes an above average commitment to pull this off. That’s not to say the people that don’t make it are stupid or lazy, it just means that the cards are stacked too much against success so that the average person does not have a chance in this game.
So what does that mean, do you just shut off your computer and be content to the fact the odds are so stacked against you that it’s not worth trying? Only you can decide if you have the means to invest thousands of dollars a month and commit fifty or sixty hours a week or more to build your business. I know that’s not what those 277 million website say… they all make it sound so easy. What they don’t tell you is the product they are selling you today probably is not as effective as is it was when they discovered it and definitely won’t be tomorrow. The truth is some of the software still being sold as the answer to your dreams won’t work at all today. You think the gurus take down their websites and stop selling their software just because the Net has changed to the point where it is ineffective? No they stop selling it only after people stop buying, has little to do with the fact that it doesn't work as good as it did last year or even six month ago.
The funny thing is the better it did work the higher the odds that is doesn't work now. One good example of this is the many popular software programs that mass produced web pages based on Keywords. This software worked great when it was first introduced, but the Search engines had to find a way to stop their effectiveness because the top search results were being flooded with these spammer sites. That is one of the biggest challenges to running an online business... investing enough money to stay up to date with what is working today. Do you have what it takes to make money online?
My name is Mike Considine owner of Home Base Service Company.
I promised you I would give you some options… How would you like to stay in the game but not spend a bunch of money or take any time away from your family? What would you think about joining a Co-op that hires the staff and uses the Pros to build a portfolio of web business and shares the profits with you? What would you think about paying a small monthly fee for only 24 months and owning a share of the profits for the lifetime of the portfolio’s holdings? This new concept is called Affiliate Co-op Marketing and you can get more information from here:
Affiliate Co-op Marketing
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